Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton design pattern allows to create only one instance of the class by providing only one global point to access it.
This can be achieved by:

    1. Making the constructor private/protected.
    2. Create a static function which returns an instance of the class only after ensuring class has no other instance.

namespace OopConcept
/// Class without explicit contructor

class singleton
private static singleton singletonInstance = null;

/// To prevent instantiation.

private singleton()

public static singleton getInstance()
if (singletonInstance == null)
singletonInstance = new singleton();
return singletonInstance;

/// Main Class -

class MainClass
public static void Main()
// Cannot create an instance with 'new' Keyword.
singleton firstInstance = singleton.getInstance();
singleton secondInstance = singleton.getInstance();

if (firstInstance == secondInstance)
Console.WriteLine("Two instances are same");


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