C# Interface

We have two Classes ClassOne & ClassTwo and two interfaces InterfaceOne and InterfaceTwo.
Is this code valid?
interface InterfaceOne

void InterfaceOneMethod();

interface InterfaceTwo
void InterfaceTwoMethod();

class ClassOne : InterfaceOne, ClassTwo
public void InterfaceOneMethod()
//Some Code

class ClassTwo

Ans: Base class must come before interface.

class ClassOne :   ClassTwo, InterfaceOne

public void InterfaceOneMethod()
//Some Code

WinForm Interview Question(C#)

Q. There is a WinForm(Form1) with a Button(Open Form2). If the user clicks the button it should open another WinForm(Form2). If the user again click on the Button in Form1, he should get a message saying that Form2 is already open.

Ans: In Form1's Button click event add this code.

 private void Form1Bttn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

bool FormOpen = false;

//Application.OpenForms propety: Gets a collection of open forms
//owned by the application.
foreach (Form S in Application.OpenForms)
if (S is Form2)
FormOpen = true;

if (FormOpen == true)
MessageBox.Show("Form already open.");

Form MyForm = new Form2();